Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
24v <folio 25r> 25v
never a whit the worse, for so saying or dooing. and I was glad that she had such comfort of my Brother as I was also of those of those good parts and livlinesse of spirit. which they both had above me, my only sorrow was my selfe was no better. but my desire was and \is to/ praise thee my God for them, and to immitate them in all \goodnesse/ in my affliction when I thought I was cast out of thy sight. or faver which I desired above all. O that I might have \it/ whatsoever I endured. still calling upon thee for helpe then that wordsaying came divers times to my mind. what hast thou to doe. to take my covenant in thy mouth seeing [psa 2]thou hatest to be reformed and but thou gavest all issue to this. and \I/ said Lord thou knowest that I desire to be reformed. therefore I tooke heart againe and called upon thee with the more ferventnesse. and in my di\s/tresse my heart relented towards thee that thou wouldest have compassion upon me. and I powred foorth my selfe in I thinke of the 142. psalteares and praiers in the Church. desireing that thou wouldest looke upon my affliction and misery. and often I said and purposed in mine hart. if thou wouldest set it at liberty. I would run the way of thy commandements. desiring to serve thee better then ever, moreover I called mine \owne/ waies to remem-berance and turned my feete unto thy testimonies: in thinking what good I had bene failing in (or what ill I had don) I found no or litle benefit of those sermons which hetherto I heard. because I aplied not my hart so much unto them that I might have learnt. I thinke of the 6 of Hosea the 3 first verses but now I tooke care, not only to remember first my selfe but also according to my mothers way. I asked the maides what they could say myselfe helping them. and also in the afternoones and after I used to walk abroad with [them] which I found a good refreshing I heard them read every one a chapter on the sabboth dayes and those which could not read, I heard them say there catechisme. before they receivd the Blessed Sacrament. | I found the old catechisme to be the best for them. which is now injoyned because /I supposed\ it is fitest they should cheefely learne according to there vow in baptisme. the crede the Lords prayer and the ten commandements. \which too many can hardly say/ therefore this being short and pethy besids I found was easest for there memory. for when servants shifted often into divers parishes one minister lea\r/nt them one. and another another. so they could say letle or nothing when they came to a strange place of what was demanded. many of them failing in that which was most necessary to learn.|Calling to mind the benefit of my affliction hetherto I became more humble, I remember my affliction and my mourning: the wormewood, and the gall, La\m/3.19. 23 yeremy soule hath them in rememberance and is humbled in me I had the better experriance of thy power and justice. whereby I feared thee and of thy mercy whereby my love was increased to thee. my faith was strengthened in thee. and both my selfe and others \was/ bettered to serve thee. through thy love to me in still delivering me as often as I was troubled being tempted to blasfemy \or evill/ against thee. I many \times/ thought and said. I will love thee dearly O Lord my strenght, my faith was strengthed whereby I wondered at those foollish who thinke there is no God, for I was so well grounded that there was through these temta-tions that for I thought if the devill did not envy my happines why am I thus I thought I should never be moved. to the contrary but should be more strengthened for \it/ hereafter. for I feelt the goodnesse of God according to the word of truth. for whom if I fell I was apt to all wickednesse. whereby I perceived my owne destruction. (would follow) and I found the Devills envy and ma[ll]ice of my hapinesse God is the [h]ealth [both] of body and [soule] and the [devill] is the [hater?] of both then thought I God is \the/ giver giver and maintaner of our welbeing and everlasting happines. who doth love us: but the devill is the destroier and bane of us tempting us to evill because he hateth us. therefore let me \us/ love and cleave unto thee since I have thought of John [10.10] Lord who art our health, and life,