Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
37r <folio 37v> 38r
good. yea my affections and sences are [yea] of my selfe I am wholy prone to evill having no strength to retaine good. and my olde \sins/still [and do?] somtimes continued with me. yea pardon me my lord where in [good actiens] and these confessions I have offended thee who can tell how oft he offended O clense thou me from secret faults keepe back thy servant also from presumptions let them not raigne over me ps 19.12 puddels of sin and uncleanenesse so that I know \that/ in me that is in my fleshe dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me. but I find no meanes to performe that which is good: for I doe not the good which I would, but the evill which I would not. that doe I. I find by the law that when I would doe good evill is present with me. \Rom ver/ so that I may say more rightly (by reason of my owne weaknes) then Agur I have not the understanding of a man in me \pro 30.21/ therefore consedering my /owne\ imbecillity I sue to thee. for who can bring a cleane thing out of filthines but thou alone \job 14.40/ Thou art God Almighty, of infinite mercie, which justifiest the ungodly and quickenest the dead in respect of sin. who changest sinners. and they are not. \S paul/ and Lord I should now feare to come before thee. because as my yeares increased my sins increased. but that thou art the same Lord to thee O Lord God belongeth mercy and forgivenesse. therefore [enter] not into judgment with me for them for [no] fl[e]sh is righteous in thy sight. but for the glory of thy Name turne from me those evills which [I] have most justly deserved. yea [accept] thy sonns merrits for me, and let the rememberance of these my sinnes worke in me humiliation and increase my love to thee with thankfull heart for the unspeakable mercie towards [me] create in me a [cleane] heart O God and re-[new] in me a right spirit [do but] wherin put thy [laove] into my heart that I may not depart from thee. endue me with the grace of thy holy spirit to amend my life according to thy word. whose property is ever to have mercie. And in thy sonnes blood. I find the fountaine opened. which thou hadest promised to the house of David and to \the/ inhabitants of Jerusalem for sinne and for unclennesse, \Zech 13.1/ Therefore have mercie upon me O God after thy great goodnesse and according to the multitud of thy mercies /compations\ doe away mine offences, washe me thoroughly from mine iniquitie and cleanse me from my sinne. for I acknowledge faults: and my sinne is ever before me. \ps 51/ Remember not the sinnes of \my/ youth. nor my rebellions, but according to thy kindnesse remember thou me. even for thy goodnesse sake O Lord. \ps 25/ for thy Name /sake\. O LORD pardon my iniquitie* for it is great. [u vers] And because o Lord I know that the way of man is not in himselfe. neither is it in man to walke. and to direct his steps. \Jer 10.23/ Therefore show me thy waies. O Lord and teach me thy paths. Leade me foorth in thy truth. and teach /instruct\ me for /thou\ art my God and saviour \ps 25.4.5/ surely it appertaineth unto thee O God to say I have pardoned. I will not destroy: but if I see not teach thou mee: if I have done wickedly I will doe no more. \job 34.31.32/ yea convert thou me and I shalbe converted. (for thou art the Lord my God \[Jer] 3.18/ heale me and I shalbe healed. save me and I shalbe saved: for thou art my praise \Jer 17.14/

Now Lord for thy Christ. and our Jesus forgive all that is past. save and defende me from evill. and conferme me in a godly life to the honour and glory of thy Name. Amen,110

And now Lord what I / [waite] psal 39.7.8 hope\ for: my hope is even in thee. Deliver me from all my transgressions, and Let thy [Name] be my joy. and the rememberance of thee --- [S Aust] prairs 111 in the old and new testiment in innumerable places which I am unable to resite to this purpose some whereof are. Isa 63.15 thy Name is from ever-lasting 15 Mic 6 Remember yea not the former things neither regarde the things of old. deu 32. 6.7 enquire [now] 4.32 Isa 43.13 psal 73.13v. 10v therefore David ga-thered more strength to pray and said leave me not [illeg.] againe ps 60.143 let thy Name be my delight and thy memoriall my consolation, for which I have received instruction, from* thy selfe in thine owne word \Deu 7.17.18v/ yea I have found examples for this throughout the whole Bible both in the prophets and our Saviours words. \mat 16.9/ the prophet David said. the LORD that delivered me out of the pawe of the Lion. and out of the pawe of the Beare. he will deliver me out of the hand of this philistine \I Sam 17.37/ call to mind (O Lord) thy tender mercies. and thy loving kindnesse. which have beene ever of olde \ps 25/ Rise up as in the ancient daies, in the generations b of old: Art thou not the same. that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon \[be]/ d c and againe \Chap 53.9/ I will remember thy mercies. Lord. and praises for they endur \Isa 11.9/ geth for ever \ps 36/ thou hast bene my refuge neither forsake me /leave me not\. O God of my salvation. \ps 27.9/ because thou hast bine my helper therefore under the shadow of thy wings wil I rejoyce \ps 63.7/ also I have found noted by my Great Granfather out of Ecclus 2.11 Consider the olde generations of men. the Children. and marke them well. was there ever any confounded. that put his trust in the Lord: or who hath continued* in his feare. and was forsaken. or whom did he ever to this effect I have found written by my G Gran- out of [L?] I found much helpe for this out of Mr King s Lect 28 despise that called upon him; Herein I cloth my selfe against all

110. This passage conflates two from the service of Holy Communion in the Book of Common Prayer: the ending of the general confession, and the absolution.
111. Augustine's Prayers chapter 7, p. 34 in Rogers' translation.
112. Lecture 28 contains a long passage on the benefits of remembering the faithfulness of God (pp. 379-384 in the 1611 edition).