Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
5v <folio 6r> 6v
my Granmother in this time24 of her sicknes had her will maid, and disposed of that she had, and having recovred, contented her selfe with her yearly mantanance continuing for three yeares after weake and not able to stir abroad as she had done, but remained in her chamber (not troubling her selfe with the world) but devoted her serves to thee O my God, my Granmother being sumthing recovered, my Sister broke her thigh againe which was a great grife to my frindes who presently sent for Mr Hales a man very skilfull in the art of bonseting. but my sister as sonne as she hard or saw his coming her teeth would chatter in her head for very feare having so much experiance of broken bones. he stayed not long from her (because as he confessed he was troubled in his sleepe of her) but came againe to see her. where he found the bone a miss and \was/ fant to break it to make it right, it being done I well remember those harty praises she gave to thee my God. my mother being full of tender compashtion towordes her went into the next rome \[for]/because she would not see her missery. and I my selfe went out of dores. waitting to goe to her when she would be better being moved with inward compassion towards her; my mother asked Mr Hales of her shoulder which began to grow out and of her ankle he said they weare out of joynt to long to set, which was done when she was very littel I suppos by the carlessness of those that tended her, when my father and mother was from home; and after feared to confesse it til it was to late, her ankle hitting with her foot not standing \very/ rigit against her other lege I thinke was the cause of her falling upon very littel accation he said her other leg was brok afore which I supose was the stronger for it now if her thigh were broken againe it would never be sett being the 3 or 4 time, after this his strate bining made it grow sore, my Aunt Isham being fant to tent it my mother not being very well keept the chamber with my Sister, and company cominge to see her she told them of that \great/ comfort \and joy/ she had of my sister delighting soo much in her Booke (which I well remember and \sum of/ the places) and Actes 3 chap 9 [Math] 11 or suffered compared her to a Marter for her broken bones then lettel suposing the many miserys which since she has sustaned or suffered which would too much have moved her motherly affection, but she was taken away from the evill thereof,

24. This would be in 1617.