Book of Rememberance
Index of Folios
6r <folio 6v> 7r
but why speake I of these things by which my affections became bitter unto mee, and my selfe though I was well yet suffered in my friends, being as all members of one body25; II cor.1.7 but my hope is stedfast that as I have ben partakers of the\ir/ sufferings so I shall be also of the consolation; which in sum sort I then was in there recoverry, and now more fully calling to mind these comforttable places of Scripture psa. 9o4Blessed is the man whom thou chastisest O Lord, and teachest in thy laws , psa. 119It is good for mee that I have bene afflicted that I may learne thy Statutes , lam. 3.27It is good for a man to beare the yoke in his youth pro. 6.3326corrections for instruction are the way* of life heb. 12.6.10whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth. and that for our profit that wee might be partakers of his holinesse, II Cor. 4.17our light affliction which is but for a moment, causeth unto us afarre most excellent and an eternall weight of glory: and Saint paul saith II Cor. 11.30if I must needs rejoyce I will rejoyce of mine infirmities: I pet. 4. 13 but much more shall wee rejoyce when I cor. 15.54death shalbe swallowed up into victory by reve 5.6 9 versesthat Lambe which hath so dearely bought us ;

Upon Consideration of these yeeres psal. 143.2 not as one [s]aith not child Blotch on the paper between 'not' and 'child'. of a day old Enter not into jugment with thy Servant O Lord for no flesh is righteous in thy sight , I find them altogether corrupt and my best actions are impure before thee, yet S Aus27 thou O my King hast allowed of the Charracter of humility in the stature of Childhood saying of such us the Kingdome of God, as these yeares increast so my sinnes were the greater both in wayte and number, esspeshally as I had the more knowlege to doe better; yet I know ignorrance shall not excuse \me/ I cor. 4.4if I knew nothing by my selfe yet were I not thereby justified. job 9.20if I should goe about to justify my selfe I should therein be found a sinner psal 19.12who can tell how oft he offendeth cleanse mee O Lord from my secret faults; I \have/ considered of my praying when I was a yong Child unto thee, and thought it better not to have done it, because that I uttered a vocall kind of Servis talking like a parrit rather of custom then devotion, and littel better after more of devotion then of knowlege; speaking words too wonderfull for mee28; yet upon consideration I thinke better of

25. This concept occurs in several places in the Pauline letters, including Ephesians 4:25, I Corinthians 12:12, and Romans 12:5 .
26. Proverbs 6:23 in KJV.
27. The quotation is from the Confessions Book I, chapter 19, p. 60 in Watts' translation.
28. Quotation from Job 42:3